Peer Review – Basic Python for Beginners

Peer review for Pod 2ā€™s ā€œBasic Python for Beginnersā€ Interactive learning resource.Ā 

I believe this team has covered the topics nicely in an organized and informative manner. The choice of using google Slides helps to make it easy to maneuver it thoroughly and see all the content and links. It would be lovely to see some more colors or images.Ā 

Overview:  (slides 5-9)

The overview provides a clear description of the topic of the material presented. IĀ  really liked that it was very direct in indicating who it was for, the purpose, which type of learning, and so forth.

I agree that direct instructions (DI) is an accurate representation of this material as it provides specific examples/work for learners to follow and practice.

Personally, I feel as if behaviorism could also be a good fit, as it focuses on responses to specific stimuli this could be interpreted as one writes and runs the code(Ertmer & Newby, 2018).

Moreover, I thought it was very helpful to have the description and rationale split up for the learning theory, and design sections.

Perhaps you might consider adding a small description of the learning outcomes, how will they be of use to the learner, or why knowing this will be helpful.

Activities: (slides 10-25)

It seems to me that the first activity is watching and completing a true/false quiz. I believe if there were components of the learner having to explain their learning it would be of many benefits to test and see what was not only retained but understood. I really liked the Leet code programming problems. I think it is crucial for a student to practice inputting code to understand the process.

Assessment: (slides 23,25,26-29)

For the quiz which is a majority of the grade, I like that the learner has the whole day to complete it. I believe the final assessment activity is great. However, it would be useful to have an explanation section for the assessments as it would provide the learner with the opportunity to express their thought and understanding.

Additionally, I believe this course would benefit from a feedback component, this would allow for additional modifications in the future.Ā 

Design for Inclusion, technology: (slides 30-32)

I agree that this course is well designed for a working single parent as it is self-paced, and all the information can be provided virtually. However, I believe this course will not necessarily be as inclusive for those who do not have access to aĀ  computer. Coding unfortunately has to be run to check for errors. One could however practice by written coding activities with pen and paper. I believe it would be useful to further look into how this course could support those without aĀ  computer.Ā Ā 

Overall I believe this is a great tool with a good selection of components that allowed students to explore the basics of python without getting too overwhelmed. I believe it will very helpful.


Jeet BainsĀ 


Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. (2018) Behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design persepctive. In R. E. West, Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology: The Past, Present, and Future of Learning and Instructional Design Technology. EdTechBooks.

Week 4 comment

Hello Tony,

Great post! I really liked hearing your perspective on learning interaction.

The video concept for your interactive learning resource is very helpful as more and more learners are discovering struggles with attention span. Furthermore, I thought it was very impressive that your group is finding a more effective/efficient way to grade assignments. ie running the code. This will save lots of time and hopefully allow the instructor to provide students with that time to help them through their errors.



Post 4

There are many typs of learning interactions, some include computer technology,Ā and textbooks, (ie reading, and watching videos). Chapter 9.6 of “Choosing and using social media in education” describes types of learning interactions and provides perspective on how an individual may interact with different mediums of learning.Ā 

In what way are they likely to respond to the video on their own, e.g. make notes, do an activity, or think about the topic (learner-generated)?

Ā In this video, the HealthQuest appointment scheduler system is explained. Watchers will gain an understanding of the basics of the schedualling system including appointment details, tools offered, etc.. The likely response would be to use this system or practice using the system displayed. Furthermore, I can see learners watching additional videos provided by a MicroQuest which explain further aspects of the HealthQuest scheduling system.Ā 

What experiences have you had with interactivity in learning environments? How did the interaction (or lack of interaction) affect your learning? Your enjoyment?

My experiences with interactivity vary. I feel as I have had countless different experiences how every they would generally get categories as not engaged, somewhat engaged, and very engaged. Ā  IĀ  feel some teachers didn’t even try to engage students, others tried but weren’t the most successful (ie, making us engage in activities that aren’t as interesting or motivating to us), and lastly,Ā  very engaging. Some profs have managed toĀ  make a class very enjoyable, where we leave talking about the material, team activities that were enjoyable, educational and memorable.

How would students get feedback on the activity that you set? What medium or technology would they and/or you use for getting and giving feedback on their activity?

Feedback would be given over a technology-based interaction system. For example, email. This would allow for students to email the teacher at any time of day and the teacher to respond when most convenient.Ā 

How much work for you would that activity cause? Would the work be both manageable and worthwhile? Could the activity be scaled for larger numbers of students?

There wouldn’t be too much work for the activities as we understand people are quite busy. That is why we have designed for students to get tested on their knowledge/skills by performing in quick assessment formats such as Kahoot and Moodle.Ā 

How could the video have been designed to generate more or better activity from viewers or students?

This video could provide some animation/visuals that are more engaging, maybe ask/ answer some questions or facts. Essentially, allow for the learner to walk away with more information.


Bates, A. W. (T. (2019, October 10). 9.6 interaction. Teaching in a Digital Age Second Edition. Retrieved June 13, 2022, from

YouTube. (2016). Healthquest ā€“ Appointment Scheduler. YouTube. Retrieved June 13, 2022, from

Post 3 Comments

Hello Ariehl,

I really enjoyed reading your post it was very informative. Some parts that really stood out to me included your group’s take on the summative assessment for your learning resource. I agree that it’s reasonable to get students to participate in self-assessments. this is very useful. as they would get the chance to do personal check-ins regarding what they are feeling. I agree that stress cannot be assessed in one manner. Furthermore, i think it’s great your group has implemented the flexibility of learning (taking breaks, etc..) I feel this will keep individuals more engaged/safe. I really like this concept. Best of luck!


Post 3

Designing for inclusion what is it?

Inclusive design is making sure a variety of people are considered for the use of that resource (Meyer et all, 2014).Ā  Each individual is vastly different, this includes differing needs, preferences, capabilities, challenges, etc. it is important to consider different capabilities and limits when coming up with ideas for public use. For example, round door knobs. They may not seem like a problem to most. However, it is challenging to open a door when you are carrying something, or for those who may have ALS, or Parkinson’s disease one may not be able to grip the handle as efficiently as another person.Ā  Whereas leaver door knobs are much easier to open, one can use their leg if needed, or an arm. They simply need to just hit it down. Therefore, these inventions do not have equal accessibility or usability.Ā Ā 

How will your interactive learning resource specifically ensure that the needs of all learners can be met? 

Since each individual has different learning capabilities and may require varying support to reach their full potential. It is important to ensure accountability for the type of assessments, and tasks a person is given (Meyer et all, 2014). I believe in our interactive learning resource we are focusing on a variety of inclusive learning components. This will include Kahoot and moodle. Kahoot allows for those who are better at multiple choice quick response assessment types and moodle will be catered toward written responses. This allows for students to be assessed in more than one manner. Furthermore, we will allow students using our interactive learning resource to meet with other peers as well as us to discuss class topics. This will be done by meeting with groups virtually or participating in an online discussion. Ultimately,Ā  allowing for more cooperative engagementĀ 

Consider the learning environment for your current design. What potential barriers can be reduced or eliminated to provide more pathways for learner success?

An example of a barrier for EMR scheduling systems includes not having any experience using information systems (Gupta, 2008). This can be reduced as staff can receive training and support through both the implementation and updates for the system. This will also require good communication between users and developers as well as good teamwork and collaborative learning skills. Another potential barrier could be inconsistencies or errors in information within the system. This could be reduced by altering the system user to perform an information overview verification before submitting the patient details.Ā 

Quality control certification, checked garantee of standard Quality control certification, checked garantee of standard of company product. scheduling system stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images


Meyer, Anne, et al. Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice. CAST Professional Publishing, an Imprint of CAST, Inc., 2014, UDL Theory Practice, retrieved from:

Right to Education ā€“ Inclusive Education, retrieved from:

Gupta, D., & Denton, B. (2008). Appointment scheduling in health care: Challenges and opportunities. IIE Transactions, 40(9), 800ā€“819.

Week Two Comments

Hello Poom

I found your post on direct instruction (DI) very interesting. Since I chose an alternative learning instruction it was very informative to learn more about an alternative learning type. I could also relate to your pod’s chosen interactive learning approach ā€œBasic python for beginnersā€ as I have taken a Python course and would have found a guide for basics very helpful. 

I also found it very interesting that DI focuses on making sure students are successfully learning regardless of their background knowledge of a specific topic. I found this related much to my thoughts on my previous post regarding to learning bias. I am confident that your step-by-step approach to familiarizing someone with the basics of python will be successful. 

Thank you for providing this information and good luck with your group project šŸ™‚

Hello Min Zhou,

I enjoyed reading your post as I too chose to research cooperative learning.  I found you explained cooperative learning very well and that you were able to display its importance. I agree that cooperative learning accounts for each individual’s strengths and weaknessess. This way every individual can be supported and build the skills they need to work on. Furhutmore, I believe it keeps individuals accountable which will teach them how to be responsible for their own group work in the future. I also really liked that you focused on the importance of consciousness, communication skills, and enthusiasm. I believe these three points improve one’s ability to work with no matter what type of person they may encounter during both their personal and professional lives. Thank you for all the great information and perspectives.


Jeet Bains

EDCI 335 Week Two Post

What is cooperative learning?

Cooperative learning is a form of learning done in a group (Brame,2015). This learning is done by multiple individuals providing a social structure to the discussion of concepts (Brame,2015) The use of goals and interactions allows for increased engagement, practicing social skills, and teamwork.

My experience with cooperative learning:

I have had lots of experiences with cooperative learning. I feel as if my studies in Health Information Sciences promoted a lot of group work. Along with working collaboratively, I found through many courses my teammates and I would help each other learn as students when we would be stuck or confused. I believe this helped us gain better social interaction skills. This I feel has truly translated into my co-op and working in a real-life professional setting.

How this type of learning relates to our topic?

This approach aligns with our topic as a form of integrated learning is very necessary for individuals to be able to use an EMR scheduling system effectively.Ā  I believe cooperative learning is a critical part of learning to use the system and keeping up with system updates. Working together as a team is needed when developing the system as there have to be interactions between the developers and users, and again when the system is implemented the staff has to learn and then continue to work together to use it effectively.

Brame, C.J. & Biel, R. (2015). Setting up and facilitating group work:
Using cooperative learning groups effectively. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. Retrieved [todaysdate] from

Pixabay. (n.d.). 1,000+ free collaboration & team images – pixabay. Retrieved June 3, 2022, from

Week One Comment

Hello Yi, I think you had a great example of learning bias. I believe your experience relates heavily to what I had to say about one experience being categorized in knowledge levels.  I also very much related to your comment regarding sticking to past knowledge. I was guilty of doing the same in high school. I also found the Khan Academy and the Effectiveness of Science Videos.

Lastly, I found we both chose the category of constructivism. I too find myself searching for answers od concepts with each interaction I have in the real world. I believe it helps us grasp a deeper meaning of the content we are learning. It was lovely to read your post.Ā 

Hello Leslie,Ā  I believe your post had some very good points, similar to Yiā€™s I could relate to when to share about your experiences in biology class and how it proved that you were a constructivist view. I agree that the way your teacher chose to introduce you to those new concepts. Thank you for sharing this story, it was great to get your perspective!

ECDI 335 Week One Post

Why is learning hard?

 I personally believe learning is difficult because of the many harsh societal normalities that have been created. For example, our generation has been raised being categorized into levels such as intermediator advanced learners in grade school. Additionally,  our society tends to place individuals in these categories and let them define them. The amount of people I know that say they aren’t a math person (including me) makes me question why aren’t we? I personally believe each individual has the ability to learn just as much as the next. However, one’s journey to get to that same level of knowledge will be very different. There may be some areas where children learn similarly. However, each person’s conditioning, environment, and upbringing are very different, and therefore, people will not learn the same way as the person next to them. I believe this is displayed wonderfully in the video Khan Academy and the Effectiveness of Science Videos (Muller, 2011). This video provides the example that not addressing all possible misconceptions that may actually help individuals understand better. Bringing this back to my original point… simply categorizing individuals into levels of “smart” isn’t enough. Each individual will have their own interpretation and experience of what they know and will bring that into what they are learning. Therefore, it is very important to format new teaching in a way individuals can understand no matter what level of education or background they have.

To continue answering this question I will consider how learning design might be affected by a learnerā€™s past experiences or motivationā€¦ I believe learning design may be affected by learned past experiences as one may have not been taught concepts in a manner that is easier for them to grasp. Therefore, one could have the connotation that learning is complex. Maybe if the way they were being taught changed they would have a better chance of grasping the concepts. I also believe that the way teaching is approached can make an immense impact on the learning of a student. This was further displayed in chapter 15 of Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology: The Past, Present, and Future of Learning and Instructional Design Technology (Park,1970). Which explains the varying types of motivators. Each student will have their own internal and external motivators which will affect their experiences with learning new concepts. These motivators could also be related to the past connotations the individual may have. Understanding this and accounting for this when teaching is crucial if one has the goal to reach a larger amount of students when teaching material.  

Based on your reading, would you consider your current instruction style more behavioralist, cognitivist, or constructivist? Elaborate with your specific mindset and examples..

Personally, I believe my current instruction style is constructivist. This is because I tend to want to know the reason behind what I am learning, why am learning it, and how it connects to other concepts, much of how this style is explained in chapter 11 of Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology (Ertmer & Newby, 2018). I find I try to piece together past experiences with new information being presented to me. For example, currently, during my co-op, I am finding relations between my education in health information sciences, and current health care problems and using them to better understand my work. Having a bigger picture helps me pull concepts together and be able to remember what that new information is trying to tell me. Furthermore, I tend to relate my learning with real-life experiences. This was shown when I took integrated physics in high school (physics 11 and 12 combined) this course offered a more hand one learning experience. I found I excelled at this as I could use these experiences to further my understanding of the concepts. An example of how this was displayed throughout this course was when I built an 8-foot teeter-totter to display torque. Putting together a physical model, seeing where force will be applied, getting a visual of the rotation applied, and understanding these concepts in a new way.  


Muller , D. (2011, March 17). Khan Academy and the effectiveness of science videos. YouTube. Retrieved May 25, 2022, from 

Park, S. W., & Seung Won ParkSeung Won Park is a research professor in the Institute for Teaching and Learning at Daejeon University in South Korea. Her research interest includes enhancing learner motivation and engagement in student-centered. (1970, January 1). Motivation theories and instructional design. Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology. Retrieved May 25, 2022, from

Ertmer, P. A., & Newby, T. (2018) Behaviourism, cognitivism, constructivism: Comparing critical features from an instructional design persepctive. In R. E. West, Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology: The Past, Present, and Future of Learning and Instructional Design Technology. EdTechBooks.

Jeet Bains – Introduction Post

Hello Everyone, My name is Jeet, and I am a 4th-year Health Information Science student at UVic. I chose EDCI 335 as my last senior elective as I wanted to further build on my knowledge of learning theories and learning design. A few other facts about me are that I enjoy fitness, being outdoors, and spending time with friends. Moreover, This is my first time taking a condensed course!

I look forward to getting to know many of you over the next few weeks šŸ™‚