Post 4

There are many typs of learning interactions, some include computer technology, and textbooks, (ie reading, and watching videos). Chapter 9.6 of “Choosing and using social media in education” describes types of learning interactions and provides perspective on how an individual may interact with different mediums of learning. 

In what way are they likely to respond to the video on their own, e.g. make notes, do an activity, or think about the topic (learner-generated)?

 In this video, the HealthQuest appointment scheduler system is explained. Watchers will gain an understanding of the basics of the schedualling system including appointment details, tools offered, etc.. The likely response would be to use this system or practice using the system displayed. Furthermore, I can see learners watching additional videos provided by a MicroQuest which explain further aspects of the HealthQuest scheduling system. 

What experiences have you had with interactivity in learning environments? How did the interaction (or lack of interaction) affect your learning? Your enjoyment?

My experiences with interactivity vary. I feel as I have had countless different experiences how every they would generally get categories as not engaged, somewhat engaged, and very engaged.   I  feel some teachers didn’t even try to engage students, others tried but weren’t the most successful (ie, making us engage in activities that aren’t as interesting or motivating to us), and lastly,  very engaging. Some profs have managed to  make a class very enjoyable, where we leave talking about the material, team activities that were enjoyable, educational and memorable.

How would students get feedback on the activity that you set? What medium or technology would they and/or you use for getting and giving feedback on their activity?

Feedback would be given over a technology-based interaction system. For example, email. This would allow for students to email the teacher at any time of day and the teacher to respond when most convenient. 

How much work for you would that activity cause? Would the work be both manageable and worthwhile? Could the activity be scaled for larger numbers of students?

There wouldn’t be too much work for the activities as we understand people are quite busy. That is why we have designed for students to get tested on their knowledge/skills by performing in quick assessment formats such as Kahoot and Moodle. 

How could the video have been designed to generate more or better activity from viewers or students?

This video could provide some animation/visuals that are more engaging, maybe ask/ answer some questions or facts. Essentially, allow for the learner to walk away with more information.


Bates, A. W. (T. (2019, October 10). 9.6 interaction. Teaching in a Digital Age Second Edition. Retrieved June 13, 2022, from

YouTube. (2016). Healthquest – Appointment Scheduler. YouTube. Retrieved June 13, 2022, from

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