Week Two Comments

Hello Poom

I found your post on direct instruction (DI) very interesting. Since I chose an alternative learning instruction it was very informative to learn more about an alternative learning type. I could also relate to your pod’s chosen interactive learning approach “Basic python for beginners” as I have taken a Python course and would have found a guide for basics very helpful. 

I also found it very interesting that DI focuses on making sure students are successfully learning regardless of their background knowledge of a specific topic. I found this related much to my thoughts on my previous post regarding to learning bias. I am confident that your step-by-step approach to familiarizing someone with the basics of python will be successful. 

Thank you for providing this information and good luck with your group project 🙂

Hello Min Zhou,

I enjoyed reading your post as I too chose to research cooperative learning.  I found you explained cooperative learning very well and that you were able to display its importance. I agree that cooperative learning accounts for each individual’s strengths and weaknessess. This way every individual can be supported and build the skills they need to work on. Furhutmore, I believe it keeps individuals accountable which will teach them how to be responsible for their own group work in the future. I also really liked that you focused on the importance of consciousness, communication skills, and enthusiasm. I believe these three points improve one’s ability to work with no matter what type of person they may encounter during both their personal and professional lives. Thank you for all the great information and perspectives.


Jeet Bains

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