WOW #2 (Jan 23-29th)


Something I found interesting this week was within the article“Connectivism, A Learning Theory for the Digital Age” by George Siemens, which explained the relation between behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism and its impact on learning in the past compared to todays’ day in age. By reading this article I recordgnized that education and knowledge in fact measured differently in the past than it is today. For example, how in the past, the numbers of years of knowledge were seen to be more impressive than now when certain achievements and, milestones are found to be equally impressive. This changed my perspective as it made me think about the evolution of education and not only that what people learned what different but that how and the outcome of that education was measured differently.   


This week I wonder how long it takes for knowledge to become obsolete as well as things in life are continuously changing and evolving. When is something outdated? I would like to gain further understanding of the concept of “half-life knowledge”. This is because it is very interesting to me that half of the data that is known today was not ten years ago, and similarly will not be in the next ten years. Who decides these changes, and how do we know what is right and fair for everyone to believe. 


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