WOW #3 (Jan 31st – Feb 4th)

This week’s wow is based on the article “Visitors and residents a new topology of online engagement”   the Wow I recognized within this article was that I found it to be interesting that the act of using technology is being compared to be such as learning an alternative language. I do believe the use of technology is similar to the act of learning a new language. This is because just like speaking another language, using technology is another skill set that has to be learned and practiced. However, I do believe that technology is easier to understand after initially using it. Whereas, language can take a much longer time to master. The Wonder I have for this week is regarding the concept of visitors and residents. It was explained that motivation can come from both categories mingling. This is interesting and makes me want to understand this relationship further. In regards to privacy, I am now more aware of using public networks when using my mobile devices and the risks that are associated with doing so.


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