WoW #4 (February 7-13)

For this week’s wow, I found the concept of Inclusivity very interesting from Shelley Moore’s reading and videos. “One without the other: Stories of unity through diversity and inclusion” explains that diversity is not being taught. in schools, there isn’t enough inclusivity, and that we need to ensure the evolving visions regarding inclusivity are put to practice in classrooms, schools, and communities (Moore. et al, 2017).

The video “Shelley Moore: Transforming Inclusive Education” displayed using the 7/10  split bowling example to further explain by showing the difference of bowling straight down the middle of a lane in comparison to bowling at a curve to hit the harder pins (Moore, 2016). This was meant to show that children who may need more support in a class won’t get them and how including education and diversity can reach more kids and make a bigger effect on those we are teaching (Moore, 2016).

Furthermore, the shift of institutions to communities also allowed for more people to be closer to their friends and their families (Moore, 2018). Ultimately, this demonstrates that inclusivity leads to better and more meaningful relationships. This makes me wonder why kids had to get split up if they have a disability? Why can’t everyone learn together in a purposeful and meaningful environment? What further actions can we take to increase this inclusion?


Moore. (2016, April 4). Shelley Moore: Transforming inclusive education. YouTube. Retrieved February 13, 2022, from

Moore, al, (2017). Retrieved February 13, 2022, from 

Moore. (2018, October 1). The evolution of inclusion: The past and future of Education. YouTube. Retrieved February 13, 2022, from 

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