WoW Post (Feb14-20th)

This week the article “It’s Not Misinformation. It’s Amplified Propaganda.” by Renée DiResta described the discrepancies between social media regarding one’s account, or what they are posting. My WoW for this week is that I didn’t know how common it was that some companies/people to use bots and sock puppet accounts as a manipulation tactic in order to get specific topics’ attention in the media. I  was surprised and therefore this led to the Wonder of how often is this the case? Where bots are used to portray chosen topics in the media. What platforms are safe and don’t contain any type of malpaly? In conclusion, I  chose this WoW topic as I believe it is frightening that not enough people question what is on social.  Especially in regards to the amount the newer generations are attached to social media and how big of a part of daily life it has become for many people.


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